
The following guide is to help ensure the artwork you upload doesn’t cause a delay in processing your order. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to call us, email us, or even use our online chat if available! Our FAQ page includes some helpful info on common questions.


  • To ensure the best results, please send files in PDF format.
  • Unnecessarily large files will cause a slow down in the processing of your files. An image for an A4+3mm bleed at 300dpi is absolutely NO larger than 40MB. View our FAQ page for help in reducing image file size.


  • All artwork supplied must be based in CMYK unless a spot/Pantone colour is also specified.
  • If you supply files that are RGB or unspecified spot/Pantone colours, they will be automatically converted to CMYK, which can slightly change colours as they may appear different from what is seen on screen.
  • We are well equipped to run five-colour work if required.
  • It is essential that black text is generated using only the black plate.


  • We will provide you with a colour proof copy on request, but this is not an exact colour match.
  • A ‘spot’ colour service is provided at an additional cost to check if the colour is correct.


  • All images should be 300 dpi, but a minimum of 200 dpi is stipulated. Any lower resolution will result in a blocky image.
  • Print materials such as business cards, brochures and flyers require a minimum of 300 dpi.


  • Ensure your artwork is on the correct page size and that there is 3mm bleed around the finished artwork.
  • Bleed is required to allow for the tolerance of guillotines used in the finishing/cutting of the job and to eliminate any margin of error.
  • A 4mm clearance is suggested from trim size for important elements – text imagery etc. (Example: A4 page:216x303mm trim: 210x297mm)

Downloads of sizes and margins are available.

Standard Product Size Chart
Bleeds & Margins


  • Please make sure all fonts used in the artwork are embedded while producing your PDF.
  • For unusual fonts, we recommend converting the text created with this font into curves, paths or outlines – dependent upon the software package being used. This prevents us requesting the original font when we print your job, and improves processing times.


  • Please ensure that the files that you supply are orientated correctly.
  • Orientation


This is the number of types of business cards you require that are similar, where say maybe a couple of bits of information are different, for example, John, James, Jim would equal 3 sorts of business cards. Therefore please select 3 Sorts and upload 3 individual artwork files.


  • If you intend ordering a job that requires folding, please check the examples provided to ensure your artwork supplied is correct.
  • Head to Head
  • Your design is one page portrait and the other page landscape

Head of portrait page aligned with right side of landscape page (Option 1) Head of portrait page aligned with left side of landscape page (Option 2)


  • Whilst every effort will be made to inform you of any apparent errors, we will reproduce the artwork you provide without further proofreading on our part.
  • We do not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies in your artwork.